1. Raise vs. rise
"Raise" 和 "rise" 均有"提高"、"升高"的意思,但两者的用法大不相同。
"Raise" 作為及物动词使用,后面一定跟宾语
"Raise" 常见含义包含"提高(抽象或实际)、举起、募款、扶养长大"等:
The brand raised its prices again.(此品牌再度涨价。)
Please raise your hand if you have a question.(请举手发问。)
The report has raised the public’s awareness of environmental issues.(该报告提升了民众的环境意识。)
He raised his glass and gave a toast.(他举起酒杯致词。)
They are raising money for the charity.(他们正在帮该慈善机构募款。)
"Rise" 作為不及物动词使用,后面不跟宾语
"Rise" 常见含义包含提高(抽象或实际)、(从坐姿)起立、(面团)发酵等:
The prices rose again.(又涨价了。)
The sun will rise at 5:22 AM tomorrow.(明天的日出在早上5:22。)
The percentage of dropouts is rising.(辍学率持续升高。)
She rose and left the room.(她站起来,离开了房间。)
Let the dough rise for 1 hour.(让面团发酵一小时。)
"Raise" 作為名词使用
"Raise" 常见含义包含价格上升(通常用在调薪、增加竞标价的情境中)或是物体高度的上升:
The boss gave me a pay raise.(老板给我加薪了。)
I tripped over a raise on the sidewalk.(我被人行道凸起的地方绊倒了。)
"Rise" 作為名词使用
"Rise" 常见含义包含(价格、温度等)上升、斜坡:
We are expecting a temperature rise in the next few days.(接下来几天气温会上升。)
Be careful, there's a slight rise on the road.(要小心,路上有个一小上坡。)
2. Lay vs. lie
"Lay" 的过去式和过去分词为 "laid"。
"Lay" 常见含义包含平放(铺)、想出(点子、计划)、产卵:
Lay your phone on the table.(把你的手机放在桌子上。)
We have new flooring laid in our home. (我们家铺了新的地板。)
The team laid a new plan. (团队想出了新的计划。)
On average, a hen lays 5 or 6 eggs a week. (母鸡平均一周下五或六颗蛋。)
"Lay" 亦可搭配动词的名词形态,构成动词词组,例如:
The students lay emphasis on environmental protection = The students emphasize environmental protection.(学生们很重视环保。)
"Lie" 作为说谎含义时,过去式、过去分词均为 "lied"。用作其他含义时,过去式则为 "lay"、过去分词为 "lain"。
She lied about her age.(她谎报年龄。)
He lies all the time.(他很常说谎。)
I lay down on the sofa.(我在沙发上躺下。)
The phone lies on the table.(手机被平放在桌上。)
The restaurant lies in downtown New York.(这家餐厅位在纽约市中心。)
One's success lies in the ability to adapt to changes. (一个人能否成功,在于其面对改变的调适能力。)
注意:虽然 "lay" 和 "lie" 都有平放的意思,两者的差别在于 "lay" 为及物动词,后面须接宾语;"lie" 为不及物动词,后面不接宾语。举例来说:
I laid the book on my desk.(我把书平放在我的桌上。)
The book lies on my desk.(书平躺在我的桌上。)
The book is laid on my desk.(书被平放在我的桌上。)